“ As you will have seen the Government have revised the rules regarding meeting others both indoors and outdoors. The club has checked with British Canoeing and they have confirmed that our current procedures and arrangements are compliant with the updated rules which means we can continue paddling.
Over the last few weeks it has been noticeable that many of us, me included, have started to relax a little and not follow the rules we should be complying with. Club training can go on so long as we ae in groups of 6 following our club arrangements, these are:-.
- Once you are allocated to that group with a coach, stay with that coach and do not mingle with other training groups.
- Can spectators try not to gather in groups around the front of the boat house , if you can move away from the main doors further down river bank that makes things easier for everyone.
- After sessions, tidy up quickly, put equipment into the appropriate quarantine areas and get away as fast as you can.
- Only go into the boathouse if you need to, stay outside as much as practical.
It would be great if the Paddlesport assistants could act as COVID Marshals and keep the youngsters and oldies like me in line and 2 meters apart!!!
I do not want to seem like a killjoy but we do need to keep everyone safe. We are visible from the main road and bridge so if it seems like we have a very large group of people at the boathouse it may reflect badly on how we are perceived by the local community who support and fund us .
Keep safe and well
H&S Officer”