Marathon events coming up

Tuesday 27th September 6:00pm on the water

This will be our last Tuesday session and will be the club handicap marathon starting at 6pm, half an hour earlier than usual).

This is open to ALL members in ANY type of boat (Marathon K1; Junior K1; Long Plastic; Short Plastic; Open Canadian double – maybe even paddleboard for the more proficient). Slower boats will start first and the fast paddlers will start last. The course will probably be about 4km.

No need to prebook – just turn up in plenty of time to sort out boats.

Sunday 2nd October

This is the first race of the new marathon season at Barmby on the Marsh. This is a lovely location just 50 minutes away from Brigg and will be a perfect opportunity for newcomers to join the experienced paddlers in a race of 4 miles (2 miles for juniors). Again, any boat can be used.

Sunday 16th October

Our own Tony and Shirley Pell Memorial Marathon at Brigg – again open to all club members.

I will be bringing down details on club nights and taking entries.
Marathon is a growing sport within our club, and we are currently the top club in the region.
Come and join the fun!

Graham – Disciplines Officer