Sheltered Water Canoe & Kayak Coach Training

This course is a follow-on from the Core Coach training course we ran in October last year. This is two days of discipline specific training for Sheltered Water Canoe & Kayak and has been arranged for Saturday the 4th and Sunday 5th March 2023. Both days need to be attended.

The course is limited to six candidates, and priority will be given to the six people who attended the core training in October. If you are interested in attending this training, even if you did not attend our core coach training (but have done it elsewhere), let Steve Burnett know as soon as possible to register your interest with him:

The training is being delivered on our river in Brigg by Ken Hughes of Ken Hughes Courses. Ken is one of the UK’s top canoe coaches with a philosophy of modern dynamic performance and we are pleased to have secured his services.

The cost for this two days training is around £200 to £240 per person, depending on final numbers, but as before you can apply to the club for reimbursement of costs by completing the club’s funding policy form and returning this to the treasurer (Jean) prior to undertaking the course. If there is any reason you feel the  up-front cost is prohibitive then please do talk to Jean or Iain in confidence.

There will also need to be an assessment day before you become a qualified coach. Ken will go through the assessment process in detail during the training days. The date, venue and cost of the assessment has still to be decided.

GSCC’s Funding Policy and  application form: