This is a two day course covering outdoor emergency first aid. Priority is for existing coaches who need to re-validate and then if places remain it will be opened up to anyone who wishes to begin their journey into coaching.
Some of you needing to re-validate only need a one day, but to make it more effective we need you to do both days, which will add to your skill base and will help when you want to progress within coaching.
Please confirm that you want a space by emailing
The club funding application covers the cost but you will need to pay upfront and claim this back from Jean as per the policy. Click here to download the form that needs to be completed prior to the course and returned to Jean.
The cost of the course is £120 payable asap to Jean, Gail Shoulder or to me, if there is any reason you feel the cost is prohibitive then please do talk to Jean or myself in confidence
Thank you