Hope you are all keeping well?
We wanted to bring you all up to date with where we are at with our proposed insulation project for part of the boathouse. As you know we had been offered some funding from Sport England to help towards this. However, after much discussion and several meetings with companies to look at the project we have taken the decision not to accept the grant and proceed at this time. Although we did get one quote within our budget, it also highlighted work needed that we had not budgeted for, as well as any unexpected costs that arise along the way.
As you are probably aware, sessions at the club this year have had low numbers attending and as we are unable to run our winter sessions in the pool our income is non existent. We do have funds to keep the club running but feel the time is not right to commit ourselves to further expenditure.
We hope everyone understands that this decision wasn’t taken lightly and we do hope to revisit this project in the future. The money is ‘on hold’ with Sport England until 31/3/2021 at which time we decide if we are going to receive the funds or not.
Take care everyone and let’s hope it’s not too long before we are all meeting up again at the boathouse
Special thanks to club member Kal who joined the sub committee to look at the insulation project
Iain and Michelle