Home Training and Fundraising

Home Training

Our slalom Rep Dan Snow is very keen that none of you start putting the kilos on (or pounds for you older people!) during this period of no paddling, so has sent this link to some Team GB exercises for you all to do! (and you don’t have to be a slalom paddler to benefit from this! https://www.facebook.com/TeamGB/videos/10155975389567600/?v=10155975389567600


When you have finished the home training you can exercise you fingers by doing some on line shopping, and by joining #easyfundraising you can be raising funds for GSCC in the process!

If you’re not supporting Glanford and Scunthorpe canoe club yet on www.easyfundraising please get involved! You can shop online with over 4,000 retailers and raise free donations for us at the same time! Sign up now:  https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/glanfordscunthorpecc/?invite=6RNP88&referral-campaign=c2s