News of some dates for your diary, starting with a busy weekend this weekend! Ancholme River Festival Saturday 25th May Quadrathlon World Championships Sunday 26th May New SUPS Funday Sunday 30th June |
Ancholme River Festival Saturday 25th May This event is to attract new members to the club and is open to the general public and to our member’s family and friends and is based at the Ancholme Rowing Club. We need the following help please: Friday evening: Loading boats onto our trailer and taking round to the rowing club Getting market stall gear ready for Saturday Meet at boathouse at 4:30 to 5:00pm Saturday morning: 4 or 6 volunteers to paddle a Katakuna round ready for 10am start. Meet at boathouse at 8:30am. We’ll need a couple of adults for this Saturday morning. Setup market stallSet up at the rowing club.Meet at boathouse for 8:30. Saturday all day Coaches to supervise paddling Volunteers to help people get kitted up. Volunteers to go on our market stall. Volunteers on paddler registration Volunteers giving out leaflets during the Farmers Market. Please contact Michelle or Martin if you can help. Quadrathlon World Championships Sunday 26th May Come along and support our paddlers taking part in these world Championships! Neil Marley is doing all four disciplines (swim, cycle.kayak and run) and Martin Heywood, Tom Shoulder and Shaun Burnett are doing the kayak leg as members of relay teams (sorry if I have missed anyone). We also have members who are also LincQuad members and are doing all four disciplines. We will have a cake stall near our boathouse (which is the finish line). We may need help with that (contact Michelle). We also need coaches to provide safety cover for the kayak and swim legs. Please contact us if you can help with that. New SUPS Funday Sunday 30th June You may have heard that we received a grant for £10,000 from Sport England with which we have now purchased Stand Up Paddle boards, helmets and paddles. To celebrate the official launch of the SUP’s, we would like to invite you to come along and ‘have a go’ on the SUP’s or just ‘have a look’, at our Funday on Sunday 30th June 2019, 12:00 to 4:00pm at our boathouse. Everyone welcome, members and non members. More details to follow nearer the time. |