February Pool Sessions
Bookings for February pool sessions open this next Saturday at the pool. In the first instance it will be open to those who have not been in recent months. So if you’d like to train in the pool. Maybe have chance practice a few rolls before the river sessions start in just 8 weeks from the start of next month, come down to the pool and reconnect with coaches , other paddlers and your committee.
Membership Fees
Membership is now also due for 2019
Annual General Meeting
We also have proposal forms for up coming vacancies on your committee voted for at the club’s AGM on 11th February. For more details click here
2018 Trophy recipients
It has been noted that trophies presented at the Christmas party unfortunately have spelling mistakes. If you would like yours to be exchanged please return them to us at the pool sessions and we can arranged for this to be done. Thank you Vicky.
Fundraising Ideas.
For more details click here