River Development Project
Zandra attended her first meeting of the River Development Project sub-committee recently. This was our 6th meeting as we continue to put into place the River Development Plan that was passed at our last AGM. Progress, as it always is with these large projects, is a little slow. We are currently waiting the outcome of a funding bid submitted to the Brigg Biomass Community Fund for a new floating jetty and disabled access. The outcome of this application will dictate the direction of the rest of our fundraising efforts.
The purpose of the project is to increase participation in the racing discipline (Slalom, marathon and sprint) and to have a permanent training pitch for canoe polo. The rest of the project therfore includes installing permanent wires over the river so we can put out slalom poles and polo goals easily. There wil lalso be floodlighting so we can train all year round. We also wish to repair both river banks adjacent to the Leisure Centre, and finally, we want to modernise our fleet of racing boats.
The total coat will likely be in six figures and while we have funding avenues still to investigate (British Canoeing, sport England, Lotto, the new Aldi store etc) any other areas of funding you may know of will be much appreciated. One possibility is to ask local companies to sponsor a racing boat. The cost of such a boat is typically £1300 each. For this, the sponsor will get their company name on both sides of the boat, which will be used in future competitions by our members. If you know of any companies who may be interested in sposoring a boat, please contact Zandra onfundraising@gscc-online.com |