Club Racing Events 2015
These are all our racing events for this year:
Brigg Marathon, Sunday 26th April
This is an open event for all clubs, divisions 1 to 10 and a fun race. All GSCC club members are welcome to enter!
BCU membership required (day membership available)
Registration 10:00am to 11:30am, racing starts at 12:00 noon.
Refreshments available.
The event will be run from our boathouse behind the Ancholme Leisure centre, but please park in the front main leisure centre car park.
Club Marathon, Thursday 14th May
This is instead of our normal Thursday evening session. For club members only.
Club Slalom and Sprint, Sunday 21st June
This is an all day event for club members only. More details to follow later.
Club Polo Tournament, Sunday 19th July
This is an all day event for ALL club members, even if you haven’t played polo before. More details to follow later.
Club Trophies
This year we hope to re-introduce the best adult/junior male/female paddlers trophies. There are four qualifying events (marathon, sprint, slalom and polo). You get points for your positions in each event and the winner is the one with the most points. more details to follow.
These events are listed on our club calendar on our website