On the river marathon squad is from 2pm ON THE WATER (so please be earlier to get prepared). It’s getting colder so bring the usual winter gear (leggins, long sleeves and hat).
Usual fees apply and under 18s need a parent or designated guardian in attendance please. Please also sign in on the register on the bookings desk, Paddle UK like to know participating numbers.
The Ergo Sprint Challenge continues from 1pm.
The ergo sprint series is for anyone, you don’t have to be training on the river. In fact tomorrow the ergos will be available to have a go on until around 3:00pm
Your fastest time will go on the board and throughout the winter you will have chance to better it. Here’s the latest 500m leader board. We now have 11 different paddlers posting times! Why not post your time tomorrow!
The first screenshot is the overall classification and the second screenshot is by age.