Our new unisex changing cubicles are nearly complete and are ready to use!
A big thank you to our Buildings Officer Iain Cameron for all his hard work in practically building them single handedly! (with help from Dave West and Steve Burnett and interference from Martin Heywood! (I did the drawings!!)).
There are 11 single unisex cubicles and one large disabled/family cubicle as shown below. Please do not leave personal possessions in the cubicles, racks are provided in both the changing room and the main boathouse to store your bags on. We intend to keep the door to the car park locked on the thumbscrew (in line with fire safety regulations) so it cannot be opened from the outside. This is to provide some security for your possessions on the rack. We will therefore be encouraging people to use the riverside entrances in future. Signage will be put up to this effect but we do not have it yet.
There is still other finishing off to do: Door hooks need fitting, stools to be purchased (the chairs in each cubicle are only temporary) and the disable cubicle needs fitting out with bench and handrails to Sport England Accessible Sports Facilities standard. We may add some lockers and also improve the lighting but we’ll see how it goes.
The cubicles are 100% waterproof, so you can go in with wet kit, but please remove your buoyancy aid and spraydeck before entering! Obviously please respect them as much as possible to avoid scratching and damaging them. These are a sizable investment of your money (over £10,000) in-line with the consultation we held last year.
And please use them! We would prefer if paddlers got changed and not go home in wet kit!