Last night, 19th February, was our AGM. You can read our report for the past year by clicking here
The following people were elected (or re-elected) to our Management Committee:
- Coaching Officer: Steve Burnett
- Publicity Officer: Martin Heywood
- Disciplines officer: Graham Simpkin
- Buildings/Equipment Officer: Iain Cameron
- Bookings/Membership Officer: Gail Shoulder
- General position 3: Lisa Cassidy
- Trips (For one year to re-align with 2 year cycle): Hazel Waller, assisted by Mike Farnhill
Our chair was elected from the committee and is once again Iain Cameron.
We welcome Hazel, Mike and Lisa to the committee!
The following people were elected (or re-elected) to be a Sub-Group Representative (overseen by a committee member).
- Slalom (For one year to re-align with 2 year cycle): Vacant
- Sprint/ Marathon: Graham Simpkin
- 2nd Welfare Officer: Iain Cameron
- Paddleability Rep (For one year to re-align with 2 year cycle): Vacant (but we have someone interested inthis position).
A full list of officials will be distributed soon.