Boat Cleaning for Pool Season

We are ready for the pool!

Thanks to our boat cleaning (and barbeque cleaning!) team on Saturday who did a fantastic job cleaning our kit for the forthcoming pool season. We were finished by 1:00pm so only 4 hours, a record time!

We set up our production line with Steve and Dave dismantling all the boats, taking out the seats and foam pillars.

Then on to power jetting where Martin and Mietek removed all the grime as as much weed as possible.

Keeping all the components for each boat together the cleaned parts were sent to Quality Control to sponge out any last remaining weed, keeping them off the floor on plastic sheets.. This was Rachel, Matilda, Sonia, Katie and Caroline. The boats were also dried to allow the foam bumpers to be stuck on.

The parts are taken back in side for reassembly by Dave, then on to Steve to have the foam bumpers added.

Supplying teas and biscuits, and also cleaning the barbeque from last Thursday’s fancy dress paddle, were Michelle and Annette.

Conner sorted the decks and paddles

John was late!

A good job done and we didn’t have to scoop any weed out the pool last night!

Pictured below are the team: Dave, Katie, Michelle, Rachel, Caroline, Matilda, Connor, Mietek, Sonia, Annette and the dog!

In the second photo Martin has replaced Dave.

All the other photos showing our production line can be seen by clicking here