19 paddlers and Jaz the dog enjoyed our midsummer’s day paddle. Okay, we were a few days late for the summer solstice on the 21st, but we chose the weekend for convenience and because the forecast was great. But I’ve just discovered that the 24th was Midsummers Day! (not the same day as the longest day, or so google says), so perfect planning!
This is the first time we have done this since I have been in GSCC and it’s something I have been meaning to organise for years. We welcomed back Janine and Hannah to the club (second visit in one week for Hannah) and had a special guest from the north bank, Rod Dubber (from 1st Wet and Wild) and his dog Jaz. Rod was a great friend to our founders Tony and Shirley Pell and helped them set up GSCC in 1982
The forecast was spot on, with the temperature not dropping below 20 degrees during our 2 hour, 5 mile long paddle. The sky was clear, the moon was out and there was no wind: Perfect conditions!
We set off in 9 canoes at around 10:00pm to go clockwise round the Brigg Island (now commonly called the Brigg Loop by our SUP friends). Dave, Emma and Sam elected to go three-up in the Coleman: a little wobbly at first but they stayed dry!
When we reached the southern point where the two rivers meet, we re-grouped and decided to go on a bit further. We headed south toward Cadney Bridge, turning at the pumping station that the marathon paddlers use as a marker. From there it was a nearly two mile paddle back to the boathouse, and as my last two photos show, (click here for the photos) even at a twenty to midnight the sky was still bright in the north west where the sun had long since set.
We got a back about midnight a little tired and bitten (I never gave midges a second though in my planning: I’ve never come across them on the Ancholme before!) and everyone had enjoyed themselves!
And for me, to cap off a great evening, afterwards I saw a shooting star right over head while sat in my garden!
This trip was arranged at very short notice after chatting with other paddlers in the pub after Tuesday’s river session. Perhaps we’ll add it to the club calendar for next year, Mike and Hazel? (who couldn’t make it but wanted to!)

Photo by Emma West