Annual Club Membership and river session prices have not increased for over ten years as we have always aimed to give good value for money.
As you know we have a large boathouse and a large fleet of boats that we upgrade, maintain and insure, and river licensing and ,other running costs are increasing. All our coaches qualifications including first-aid and safeguarding have to be regularly revalidated by British Canoeing, and we fund the training of new British Canoeing qualified coaches.
The Management committee has therefore taken the difficult decision to increase our prices for 2023 as follows:
- Individual Membership from £10 per year to £15 per year
- Family membership from £30 per year to £40 per year
- River sessions from £5 per session to £6 per session for your first session in any one week. Fees for a second or third session will remain at £2.
Family membership is four persons from the same household. One/two of whom must be adults and the others are children up to the age of 18.
Current pool fees of £7.50 a session will continue for the rest of this pool season as long as North Lincolnshire Council do not increase pool fees any further. Please remember we only cover pool hire costs with this pool fee.
We are mindful of the current cost of living crises. If you are suffering hardship, please contact our treasurer in strictest confidence at