We have the following vacant positions that have no nominations:
On the main committee:
- One General Position.
This is a position with no specific role but has full voting rights at committee. We have three general positions on the committee and ideally they are aimed at non paddlers or paddlers who are not coaches. This is to keep the committee balanced.
Sub Reps:
- Polo
- Paddleability
- Slalom
- Youth
These are not full committee positions so you don’t have any voting rights. You report to one of of the committee members who will represent you at committee. For the competitive positions (polo and slalom), it should ideally be someone who will be actively involved in that discipline.
If you are interested in any of the above positions, please let us know and please attend the AGM where you will co-opted. There is no need to complete a nomination form as the official deadline has passed.