GSCC come top at the Mike Jones Marathon and secure a spot at the Hasler Finals in the Autumn

 The official results of the Derwent Marathon are now available and, once again, GSCC are top dogs!
You can download all the results and promotions by clicking here or view below.
You can view the results on the official site of the British Canoeing Marathon Racing Committee by clicking here. This site is the home of all Hasler results nationally.
Congratulations to Alfie who has been double promoted to Division 6 (even though this means he does not get points)
All the team did very well gaining 297 paddler points which means we were top of the leaderboard – again.
The club is now guaranteed a place at the Hasler Finals which will be held on the Thames in the Autumn.
Neil, Wayne, Andrew, Martin, Charles, Connor, Susan, Lydia, Alfie and Dave have all completed enough events.  Graham needs to find another race somewhere before the end of August.
Graham – Disciplines Officer