New Years Day Paddle

Saturday 1st January 11:00am on the water.

Get some new-year fresh air with a leisurely paddle on Saturday morning! There are a few conditions etc:

  • This is subject to no further restrictions from UK gov or British Canoeing. We’ll let you know if anything changes.
  • Also subject to favourable weather and river conditions (though forecast is mild at 13-15 degrees with a fresh breeze at the moment).
  • Please where a mask in the boat house. Take a lateral flow test if you can, though not compulsory.
  • We have only a limited number of kayaks available due to many being used in the pool, though we do have our full fleet of canoes available, so if you can please let us know that you will be coming. Email or post on this post on our Facebook page. Otherwise it will be strictly first-come-first-served for kit on the day.
  • We have to also limit numbers on the water depending on how many coaches we have available, so again, reserve your spot by email of Facebook, or first-come-gets-to-paddle!

Happy New Year!!