October 17th at Brigg starting at 12 noon
It’s just under a fortnight to our Hasler Marathon race at Brigg. Normally we have two a year but Covid led to the April event being cancelled.
The event is named in honour of our club founders and we would like to see as many club members taking part as possible
Marathon is a great way for paddlers of all ages, experience and ability to have fun racing against paddlers from other clubs. There will also be refreshments available to make it a good family day out.
The event is divided into Divisions so that you will always be racing against people of broadly similar ability.
Anyone over 14 can start in Division 9 singles or doubles and ANY boat can be used. We regularly have double Canadian canoes racing and some have even completed the event successfully in plastic kayaks.
Under-14s (on 1st January 2021) have their own races and in the past we have had 8 year-olds showing the older youngsters how to do it.
Our best paddlers will race over 8 or 12 miles but all newcomers (and many of our regular marathon paddlers) will race a 4 mile loop through the town and down to the bridge at Castlethorpe.
Under 14s have a two mile race to the White House and back – under-14s are allowed to enter the 4 mile race if they feel up to it. Earlier this year Connor entered the 2 mile event and was doing so well that he decided to carry on and complete the 4 miler, catching up with a number of the more experienced paddlers in the process.
The cost is £8 for adults; £6 for youths and £4 for under-14s entering the junior races. Entries should be made in advance but fees can be paid on the day.
Club equipment will be available to use but you will need to reserve this (see below).
Why not give it a try?
To enter please send me the following information by Thursday 14th October
1. Name, gender and date of birth
2. British Canoeing number if known – if not I need your email address so that I can register you with British Canoeing
3. Event you wish to enter (Singles, Doubles, Junior)
4. Type of boat (Kayak, Double Kayak, Canoe, Double Canoe, other)
If you want to borrow any club equipment I will also need to know
· Type of boat (Tempest, Pulsar, Tor, Trimmer, Lightning, double racing kayak, double canoe etc)
· Paddle (Max, Nano, Orka, Braca or other)
· Buoyancy Aid (yes/no)
This will be a great end to our normal outdoor season – so come along and join in the fun!
Graham (disciplines@gscc-online.com )
p.s. We will be continuing with marathon get-together sessions on Saturday afternoons at 2 pm – weather permitting.