We hope you are all keeping well during these difficult times.We thought we would let you all know that your management committee is still active during this temporary shutdown to secure your club’s future! (and give you some good news!). River Sessions: But first the bad news: There are still no river sessions taking place inline with current government and BC guidance (always subject to change, so keep an eye out for more news in your inbox and on our Facebook page). Sport England Community Emergency Fund We are working hard behind the scenes and can reassure all members that despite the fact we do not have any income whatsoever at the moment, and the bills keep coming in, the club is financially sound. We have just received the good news of a substantial grant of £937 from Sport England to cover some of our outgoings. This will be used to pay a big chunk (but not) of our boathouse building and contents insurance, due soon. And More Good News! – Sport England Community Fund Before the Covid-19 outbreak we submitted plans to Sport England to insulate and heat part of the boathouse so we can use it all year round. We can announce that we have been successful with yet another grant application, this one for £28,000. This is on hold at the moment due to Covid-19 and is still in it’s very early stages,so more details will be released as soon as we are able. This further grant, so close on the back of the jetty grant from North Lincolnshire council, shows we are dedicated to bringing you one of the best kayaking facilities in the region! Easyfundraising Don’t forget you can do your bit to raise funds for us, just by registering with Easyfundraising where you can earn the club money everytime you shop online, (and with all this time on your hands during lockdown, you may be tempted to shop online!). Click here to join. Online quiz. We hope to be hosting a GSCC quiz on Facebook very soon. At the moment it is looking like next Tuesday or Wednesday evening at 6:30pm. We will confirm soon after our quizmasters lets me know! You can prepare by joining our brand new Facebook quiz group! Just click here, or search in Facebook for Glanford and Scunthorpe Canoe club Quiz Night More details of the format to follow soon. in the meantime, here’s a little picture quiz: Who are the two members in this photograph? (and yes, that is a Ford Anglia in the background! Club Contacts. If you wish to contact anyone on the committee during this period of inactivity, you can email any of us anytime. Here is a reminder of our contact details: |