Dear all, I have been asked by a number of paddlers” how can you still stay active during this crisis?” This is what BC has to say on the matter:
“The coronavirus crisis is unprecedented in modern times and it could have a significantly negative impact on the nation’s physical activity levels.
Whilst all face to face activities and events should be cancelled, where possible, paddlers at all levels are encouraged to keep active during this time, whilst following government guidelines about hygiene, safe distance and safe exercise environments.
British Canoeing are looking to produce some advice and guidance on continuing to paddle independently. If any event organisers, clubs or paddlers have any innovative ideas please let us know!”
I know some experienced paddlers will continue to take to the water and as it says above so long as you don’t endanger others BC are not saying that should stop. Club boats and equipment will not be available during this time so please don’t ask us to open up the boathouse you will need to use all your own kit. If you don’t have a boat, land based fitness such as aerobics or cycling may be an alternative for you?
Keep safe and well
David Riley
GSCC Safety Officer