Social Paddle and Marathon Training on the river this Saturday

Social Paddle now available on the river this Saturday 25th January!

Dan Snow is happy to take people for a steady cruise around the island or something tomorrow, same time as Marathon training (meet 1:30 pm, 2:00 pm on the water}.

You can paddle canoes, sups, kayaks, slalom boats whatever you want. You must be able to paddle 3 miles on your own accord and have suitable clothing.  Small charge for club funds (£2)

Marathon Training Reminder

Marathon practice will happen again this Saturday.  Meet at 1:30 for 2pm on the water

If the river is low we will not be able to use the newer boats (Tempests, Pulsars and Tors).  There are a small number of other club boats available, mainly Espadas, but please bring own boats if possible.

Paddling will end no later than 4pm.

Both the above are weather and water permitting. Check Facebook for any last minute alterations.