Our members have been busy this weekend with youth polo coaching at Manvers on Saturday and the Malton Hasler marathon on Sunday.
On Saturday it was Britsh Canoeing’s Yorkshire region youth polo coaching day, Dan Snow reports:
“Well done to Jamelia and Sam for taking part in the regional polo youth introduction day today at Manvers Waterfront Boat Club. The weather was mostly good, everyone had a good day, made new friends and learnt some new skills.
The next regional event scheduled for the 25th May is now likely to be cancelled due to clashes with other events, the event on the 8th of June at Hull is still a go and there talk of putting on other events due to popular demand.
In the meantime watch this space as we will be running some fun polo sessions at our club.”
On Sunday it was Hasler marathon day on the Derwent at Malton. Martin Heywood reports:
“Seven of our members competed in the Malton marathon on Sunday, on what is always a difficult river to race on, with strong flow, and unpredictable eddie lines to contend with. All our competitiors came home with medals, the most notable being Neil in div 5 coming home first of three in the eight mile race, and Annabelle in the Lightnings also first of three. We don’t have the times in yet but will post them as soon as we do.”
For photos of the marathon presentation click here
For photos of the marathon racing click here
For photos of the polo coaching day click here.

Our paddlers at Malton Marathon:
Martin, Annabel, Graham, Sue. Alexander, Tom and Neil