Annual General Meeting 2019

You are invited to attend our Annual General Meeting
on 11th February 2019 (6:30pm at Scawby Village Hall)

Have your say on how your club is run and who runs it! 

  • Do you want to be more involved and help run our club? There are some committee posts are up for re-election. 
  • Perhaps you have some ideas on how we can do things better? Then submit a motion for discussion at the AGM. More details can also be found below


We are inviting nominations for only those Management Committee positions listed below. All posts are for two years starting in February 2019. Anyone wishing to put their name forward for any of the posts should download a nomination form (click here) and return the slip to the Secretary or Chairman by email, or to the Membership Officer at the pool by hand, by 27thJanuary 2019. Proposer and one Seconder must be club members and over 18.

Management Committee Positions for Re-election:

Company Secretary              
(due to resignation)                                
Safety and Trips,                                  
2 off General Committee Members 

NEW: 1 off General Committee Member (open to non-coaching members) to address the imbalance between coaches and non-coaches on the committee.

There are no Sub Group Representative positions for re-election this year

  • The Chairman is elected by the committee at the first meeting after the AGM
  • The Company Secretary does not have any voting rights at meetings.
  • GSCC is a Limited company by guarantee and so all successful nominees will have to meet the company law criteria, though do not necessarily need to become directors of the company.
  • For details of Management Committee roles, see the club’s Model Articles, Constitution & Club Rules CASC 2017, which can be downloaded off our website by clicking here.


Any member wishing to propose a motion for discussion at the AGM please download a proposal form (click here) and return to the Secretary or Chairman by email, or to the Membership Officer at the pool by hand, by 27th January 2019.  Proposer and two Seconders must be over 18.