Paddlesport Activity Assistants

We are recruiting a new group of Paddlesport Activity Assistants!

We are seeking new applicants from club members who are interested in developing a more involved role in our club by becoming a Paddlesport Activity Assistant (PAA). The role and the training will be unique to each individual based on their skills and goal, and can be bank based such as assisting with session preparation, or water based, assisting one of our coaching deliver a session. This can be discipline specific. There is no time limit to complete the training and there is no cost involved as the Club.

The Paddlesport Activity Assistant is an endorsement recognised by British Canoeing to support clubs, organisations and volunteers. Paddlesport Activity Assistants can facilitate activity at any time; within the lines of their organisations’ Standard Operating Procedures.

The endorsement is targeted towards volunteers, aged 14 and over, within a paddlesport setting to support the menu of activities an organisation has on offer. The Paddlesport Activity Assistant can be for existing volunteers or new volunteers. There is no required previous experience and training and support will be provided through the mentoring from the Paddlesport Activity Assistant Coordinators.

If you are interested please submit an application in writing, by 30th September 2018, detailing your name, current skills and giving an indication of what you would like to achieve.  If under 18 years of age you must include parental permission. Please send your application either in person or by post to: to Steve Burnett, PAA Coordinator, Glanford and Scunthorpe Canoe Club, c/o Ancholme Leisure Centre, Brigg, DN20 9JH

Scroll down to see the  Role Description which gives a broad overview of the programme. More information can be found by clicking this link: