It is our
Club Sprint and Slalom
Sunday 24th June
Starting at 10:00am!
- Open to all, regardless of age and ability!
- There will be refreshments afterwards, provided as ever by Jean.
- A full day’s fun paddling on the River Ancholme in front of our boathouse
- Sprint along a short straight course
- Slalom around poles suspended over the river
- and if you’re well behaved and the weather is fine maybe some extra FUN afterwards in the river!!
- There is a small entry fee to cover cost of medals etc.
- For photos from last year click here. here and here
We will hold the sprint in the morning, starting around 10:00 am, while we are setting up the slalom course
The slalom will start as soon as the course is ready, hopefully getting the first run in before lunch, and the second run in after lunch.
And don’t forget, there are medals for the winners in lots of different age categories (and 2nd and third place too, if we get enough entries) and these events count towards our overall club champions for the year!
Don’t worry if you haven’t done this before, there will be plenty of coaches around to help you along!
Finally, help is appreciated in setting up the slalom course. We will be there from 8:30am! |