You can download the latest British Canoeing Star Awards syllabuses from our website by clicking here
Not only can you download the syllabus, but also the training and assessment notes, so you can see what we are looking for from you!
You can download the following
1 Star
2 Star
3 Star Whitewater Kayak
3 Star Open Canoe
3 Star Touring Canoe
3 Star Whitewater OC1
3 Star Freestyle
There are also 3 star surf and sea kayak awards. As we do currently offer these awards we have not included them on our website, but you can download them from the British Canoeing website by clicking here
If you are on the Paddlepower awards scheme there are no online resourses to download. All the information is on your paddlepower report card. You can see more information on the Paddlepower website by clicking here.