Newsletter No 10

In this newsletter….

Club Clothing

If you have recently ordered club clothing, it is now available for collection from Vicky. We also have pre-ordered some beanie hats (see below), and NEW!, some caps. Again, see Vicky if you want to buy one. Don’t forget you can still order hoodies, fleeces, tee shirts and shorts, all with the club logo embroidered, and printed text of your choice.

Lost Property

Shown below are items still in the male and female changing rooms. If they are yours, please contact a committee member. Our boathouse is damp and as can be seen, there is already undesirable growth on the rucksack!

We also have a box of older lost property (not photographed here). If you think you are missing something, please let a committee member know and you can have a rummage in the box!

Tuesday Night Paddle and Training

Don’t forget we are starting winter paddling and training on Tuesday evenings, starting this Tuesday the 25th. Paddling is ON THE WATER at 5:00pm. Spaces are strictly limited as we must have the correct coach to paddler ratio. If you want to paddle, please contact Neil Marley on 07719 582958. Also please remember you must be able to paddle around the Brigg Island in an hour, and you must wear suitable clothing for the weather conditions.

Indoor training starts at 6:00pm and is going to be a mixture of floor exercises and the ergos. Cost for this is £1 to cover electricity, and hopefully some heating!

New Fundraising Officer

We are pleased to welcome Zandra Holden onto the Management committee as our new Fundraising Officer. You can download the full list of Management Committee members by clicking here, or by visiting the contacts page of our website by clickinghere. You an contact Zandra on

River Development Project

Zandra attended her first meeting of the River Development Project sub-committee recently. This was our 6th meeting as we continue to put into place the River Development Plan that was passed at our last AGM. Progress, as it always is with these large projects, is a little slow. We are currently waiting the outcome of a funding bid submitted to the Brigg Biomass Community Fund for a new floating jetty and disabled access. The outcome of this application will dictate the direction of the rest of our fundraising efforts.

The purpose of the project is to increase participation in the racing discipline (Slalom, marathon and sprint) and to have a permanent training pitch for canoe polo. The rest of the project therfore includes installing permanent wires over the river so we can put out slalom poles and polo goals easily. There wil lalso be floodlighting so we can train all year round. We also wish to repair both river banks adjacent to the Leisure Centre, and finally, we want to modernise our fleet of racing boats.

The total coat will likely be in six figures and while we have funding avenues still to investigate (British Canoeing, sport England, Lotto, the new Aldi store etc) any other areas of funding you may know of will be much appreciated. One possibility is to ask local companies to sponsor a racing boat. The cost of such a boat is typically £1300 each. For this, the sponsor will get their company name on both sides of the boat, which will be used in future competitions by our members. If you know of any companies who may be interested in sposoring a boat, please contact Zandra

Yorkshire Region Slalom Training

The Yorkshire region of British Canoe has a host of slalom training events this winter. We will be supporting as many as we can and if you want to go to one, please contact our coaching officer Neil Marley on or 07719 582958

For details of each event, visit the Yorkshire Winter Training webpage by clicking here

Briefly, the winter training calendar is;

06/11/2016 – Yorkshire Slalom Training – Washburn Div2 plus
19/11/16 – Yorkshire Slalom Training – Oughtibridge
Any div
20/11/02016 – Yorkshire Slalom Training – Dry Training Day
Any div
27/11/16 – Yorkshire Slalom Training – HPP
Div 2 plus
11/12/16 – Yorkshire Slalom Training – Sowerby Bridge
17/12/16 – 18/12/16 – Yorkshire Slalom Training – Lee Valley (provisional)
Div 2 plus
28/12/16 – Yorkshire Slalom Training – Wagon Lane
Any div
08/01/17 – Yorkshire Slalom Training – HPP
Div2 plus
22/01/17 – Yorkshire Slalom Training – Sowerby Bridge
Any div
05/02/17 – Yorkshire Slalom Training – Tees (provisional)
Div 2 plus
19/02/17 – Yorkshire Slalom Training – Matlock
Any div
10/04/17 – Yorkshire Slalom Training – Grandtully
Div good div 3
05/08/17 – 12/08/17 – Yorkshire Slalom Training – European Trip 2017
Good div 3

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