November/December Pool Sessions
November pool sessions are now full, but we do have a reserve list you can add your name to in case anyone drops out, or if any one-off places become available during the month due to holidays or illness of a paddler. To add your name to the reserve list visit us at the pool one Saturday night..
We are not taking bookings for December until 14th November and the priority will be given to those on the November reserve list. December is only a two week month so the cost will be £10 (£5 per week). When booking opens, please can you bring the full amount when you book to the pool (first come first served for places).
Spare Places During Current Pool Sessions
If you or your child are unable to paddle during a current pool session because of holidays or illness, please let the bookings officer know (Steve Burnett) so he can re-allocate your space to someone on the reserve list. If he is able to re-sell your place you will have your fees refunded. Please do not re-sell you place yourself as we need to know who is paddling so we can assess their suitability for the session they are in, and also so we can make sure that if they are not club members they have completed an application form (for insurance purposes). You can contact Steve to let him know you or your child will not be paddling by leaving a message on 07444 050100, or messaging him on our Facebook page.
Membership Fees
Membership fees are due in December for 2016 and you can pay at any pool session. Fees are currently £10 per person with discounts for family membership. And new for 2016, all over 18 members will receive a discount card for 10% off food and drink at the Nelthorpe Arms in Brigg! Re-join us early and get your card discount card early!
Members Handbook
Our Members Handbook is currently being revised for 2016 and so has been removed from the Download section of our website. When the revision is finished it will be made available for download and we will let you know when that is. |