New Pool Booking Number
We are having problems with our bookings mobile, so to contact Steve Burnett please can you now use:
07526 906137
This number is for changes to existing bookings and cancellations due to holidays/sickness so we can try to re-sell your place. Please use this number ONLY for bookings queries. Other committee members can be contacted by email using the addresses on our “contacts” page on our website.
Pool Dress Code
Can we ask or paddlers, male or female, young or not so young, to please wear a tee shirt AND shorts over their swimwear.
November Pool Sessions
November pool sessions start next week and there are still some outstanding fees to be paid. Can you please ensure that if you are paddling next week and haven’t yet paid that you bring the full amount for the whole month.
Xmas Bowling Party
I know we are always asking for your money, but if you have booked for the Xmas Bowling Party, I’m afraid we also need payment as soon as you can. We will soon be closing bookings, but it’s not too late so if you want to join us please let Martin Heywood know as soon as possible.
that’s all for now!