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Management Committee 2015
The following Management Committee Position does not have any nominations:
The Company Secretary does not have any voting rights at meetings. The secretary’s responsibilities are:
To be responsible for the organisation of the meetings of the Management Committee,
To be responsible for the recording of the minutes relating to the Management Committee meeting and all the correspondence relating to the club.
To be responsible for the collecting of mail and correspondence from the mailbox.
To be responsible for transmitting to the sub-group representatives correspondence relating to the particular activities of the representative concerned at the earliest opportunity
General Committee Members
At the last committee meeting on 15th January, the committee voted to create two more committee positions for 2015 (as allowed to do so in the Constitution). The successful nominees will:
Hold a general position with no specific role.
May assist any other committee member in their role
May volunteer to perform any task to help develop and the club
Will participate fully in debates and will have full voting rights.
Extended Date for Nominations
The closing date for nominations for these positions is Thursday 29th January.